Rosicrucian Writings Online

A Message from the Grand Master
of Great Britain
[From The Rosicrucian Digest July 1941]
Note: The following is a letter sent by Frater Raymund Andrea, Grand Master of Great Britain, to all Rosicrucian members in affiliation with his jurisdiction. Faced with tremendous obstacles in his nation, he expends great energy of mind and body in furthering, not alone the esoteric ideals of the Rosicrucian Order, but its physical aspects as well. He is a ceaseless worker, and as practical in his activities as he is idealistic in his thinking. Year after year, by accomplishment, he has proven his faithfulness to his sacred trust. He did not intend that his letter be published in the "Rosicrucian Digest," but the determination which it virtually radiates, as well as its appeal to the members to stand firm upon the Rosicrucian principles in their ordeal, is worthy, in our opinion, of being read by Rosicrucians in every land. The exhortations contained in Frater Andrea's letter are not empty or pretty-sounding phrases. They have been exemplified by his modest and retiring life and what he has actually brought forth during the years of his service. Let Rosicrucians everywhere take new encouragement from his words.--IMPERATOR [Ralph M. Lewis].
Dear Fellow Member
of the Rose Cross:
I do not often send a circular letter to members, such as the present one. I have two reasons for not doing so more often. One is, that members are in close contact with the work and influence of the Order through the regular weekly Monograph which reaches them, and that is in itself a personal message and assurance of being a part of that work and influence. Moreover, a personal letter from the Lodge sometimes accompanies a Monograph and is a medium of special help and inspiration. The second reason is, that members are under my personal supervision and there is a constant stream of correspondence between them and myself throughout the year, much of which deals with intimate personal problems which has first claim upon my time and interest. Time very often forbids the writing of lengthy letters; nevertheless, those problems have first claim upon my time, interest and energy, and if dealt with concisely, it is to the best of my ability.
But today is one of deep gravity and concern to us all. Suffering and anxiety, disappointment and loss, have come to all in one form or another. And although we are facing this dark night of the soul with courage and steadfast faith in the truth we know, and believe in the relatively important part we are playing, each in his or her own sphere, in assisting to build the new world which is even now shaping itself behind the world chaos, we are grieved and perplexed because of the voice of suffering and despair which reaches us on every hand. For our thought cannot remain at home, intent upon ourselves. It leaps out across the frontiers and tries to bless and shield those who are bereaved, broken, maimed and hopeless in the mournful wastes of the world's Gethsemane.
A letter recently received from a lady member, moved me to send this message to you at this moment of greatest crisis. The letter is the voice of deepest suffering and appeal, and I quote from it. "We millions of mothers are not able to carry on alone. My beloved son is missing. By God's loving mercy I received a message while asleep, and see him wounded, lying enclosed in a building. I have asked--'If it pleases the Masters, it is done,' holding this in the Cosmic Mind. He has a pure soul and body, 23 years of giving and gathering love, and blessed with a gift of music and a fine mind. I ask that you take him a message of love and comfort."
That letter, written in anguish of soul, is but one of many, many similar ones. But that fact does not diminish the individual suffering; it probably increases it. Yet this understanding and sharing of the suffering of others is a most potent help. It strengthens the kinship of souls and fits us for more extended service in the world.
This is the message I wish to send you at this hour. We hear much on the radio of sharing the common perils of today and of facing them bravely and with undiminished faith in the ultimate triumph of good. And that is well. But we in the Order, with a firm faith in the knowledge in our hands and in the Masters of life, must more than ever seek to be a living example of what we believe, and do our utmost in simple and common ways--for that is the highway of great service--to bring our influence to bear upon others wherever we are. We must do our utmost to break down the glamour of fear which so insidiously endeavours to undermine our hope in the new age for which we have so long striven. We must refuse to doubt that there is a deep, if unrevealed, purpose behind the veil of events. Just as in the arena of warfare of every kind the watchword is, to doggedly hold out, so must it be with ourselves who are on a path from which there can be no retreat.
I have written elsewhere that the mystic must be militant. It applies today as never before. He must fight, often silently and unknown, against odds without and within. Only thus does he prove his strength and prove that his faith has an immortal foundation. No matter what his mistakes may be, or what the fogs of doubt may suggest, no matter how tired in body or anxious in mind, his one clear-cut duty and privilege is, to hold out. That attitude is of incalculable effect for good upon others. His thought cannot be hidden. It strikes upon the world atmosphere and encourages and inspires in ways he will never know, and attracts to himself the unseen agencies of good which wait upon his petition.
The pathetic letter from which I have quoted should emphasize in a deeply personal way our responsibility as members of our Order. We should share this suffering in thought, and take our part in alleviating it by cultivating a greater compassion of heart and a dedicated force of mind. We know the law and should use it to the full, according to our ability. It cannot fail. It will work in miraculous ways and bring peace, comfort and fortitude to those who have nearly surrendered all in despair. It will restore faith which has all but vanished. And our reward will be larger vision, clearer insight, and a power of service which we looked not for.
With my kindest regards and all good wishes for Peace Profound.
Yours sincerely and fraternally,

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