Rosicrucian Writings Online

Cathedral Contacts

[From The Rosicrucian Digest May 1936]
The "Cathedral of the Soul" is a Cosmic meeting place for all minds of the most advanced and highly developed spiritual members and workers of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. It is a focal point of Cosmic radiations and thought waves from which radiate vibrations of health, peace, happiness, and inner awakening. Various periods of the day are set aside when many thousands of minds are attuned with the Cathedral of the Soul, and others attuning with the Cathedral at this time will receive the benefit of the vibrations. Those who are not members of the organization may share in the unusual benefit as well as those who are members. The book called "Liber 777" describes the periods for various contacts with the Cathedral. Copies will be sent to persons who are not members by addressing their request for this book to Friar S. P. C., care of AMORC Temple, San Jose, California, enclosing three cents in postage stamps. (Please state whether member or not--this is important.)


NO doubt our members and thousands of our friends who are interested in the Cathedral of the Soul will be glad to know how far and wide on this old earth the interest in the Cathedral has spread among those who like to lift themselves above the material things of life and dwell in Cosmic and spiritual ecstasy from time to time. We have often referred to the fact that during the Cathedral hours or the various periods of the day there are thousands of our members in various parts of the world sitting in unified concentration and meditation and that all the minds of these persons meet in transcendental communion within the great Cathedral. This fact, which all of our members should be conscious of during their concentration periods with the Cathedral of the Soul, makes for a sense of spiritual unity and human brotherhood. To think that while we are sitting in our individual sanctums extending our consciousness upward and onward to the Holy of Holies of the Cosmic Cathedral, others in various parts of the world are doing the same thing, and that we are all bound together for the time being in a sacred and spiritual union, helps to give us strength and a feeling of peace and happiness that is like a tonic to the mind and soul.
We have at this time a letter from an eminent member of the Belgian Senate living in Antwerp and author of several books dealing with the history and antiquity of the Rosicrucian Order and one who is very learned and seriously enthusiastic about the principles and teachings of the Rosicrucians. In this letter he makes the following comments:
"During the past few weeks I received the interesting booklet, Liber 777. Not only the Rosicrucians but all mystics throughout the world will enjoy with you and with your American members this great privilege to which you have invited them and will meet with you and others in great joy as though all of us were actually in physical attendance in the Cathedral of the Soul. In the troublesome periods through which the world is now passing the Cathedral of the Soul will be an everyday joy filled with the devotion of students and seekers under the guidance of invisible masters, angels, and initiates. They will find in this contact the poise and power to resent the activities of the darker forces and the strength to guide humanity. All who pay, through the sign of the Rosy Cross, their adoration to the God of our hearts, will receive inspiration from the Great Hierarchy and will become true Disciples of the Lord Christ and help to carry out the great plan of the Logos. These Cathedral periods of universal contact are periods of profound transformation for the world, leading to the establishment of a new humanity. In our own group of students in this country we are making much progress but I want you to know how greatly we enjoy our contacts with you and those of the western hemisphere in the communion periods of the Cathedral of the Soul."
It is indeed a great joy and pleasure to think that the elect and select of human minds and souls throughout the world are constantly lifting to a higher level the consciousness dwelling within human forms. There is no more magnificent and inspiring period in our daily lives than the few minutes spent mornings, afternoons, or evenings in union with thousands of others in the Cathedral of the Soul where we bask in the strength and life of God the Father of all creatures and find joy in the universal peace of the Cosmic mind.
If you want to help in this great work and attract to yourself the more spiritual values and a better comprehension of life itself, be sure to call the attention of your friends and acquaintances whether they are members or not, to this Cathedral of the Soul and have them send for the free booklet Liber 777 and join with us in the daily periods of sacred communion. There are no obligations, no fees, nothing to be given except thanks to God and the best help that we can give to humanity.

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