Rosicrucian Writings Online

Cathedral Contacts

[From The Rosicrucian Digest June 1938]
The "Cathedral of the Soul" is a Cosmic meeting place for all minds of the most advanced and highly developed spiritual members and workers of the Rosicrucian Fraternity. It is a focal point of Cosmic radiations and thought waves from which radiate vibrations of health, peace, happiness, and inner awakening. Various periods of the day are set aside when many thousands of minds are attuned with the Cathedral of the Soul, and others attuning with the Cathedral at this time will receive the benefit of the vibrations. Those who are not members of the organization may share in the unusual benefits as well as those who are members. The book called "Liber 777" describes the periods for various contacts with the Cathedral. Copies will be sent to persons who are not members if they address their requests for this book to Friar S. P. C., care of AMORC Temple, San Jose, California, enclosing three cents in postage stamps. (Please state whether member or not--this is important.)


AFTER all is said and done, and after considering all of the doctrinal and ritualistic and creedal interpretations of God and His laws and of religion generally, the fact remains that each of us has a realization of God only in accordance with our own understanding, our own evolution, our own development and our own sincerity.
Not one of us can honestly accept and adopt another person's understanding or realization of God. It may be that we will find some whose interpretation or understanding coincides or agrees with our own, and in such a case there is much benefit to be gained from mutual discussion and comparison of religious experiences. But it is absolutely wrong, and contrary to divine principles, for any one of us to ignore or modify or adjust our own individual realization and interpretation of God and His laws to make them conform to or include the realizations and interpretations of others.
Our realization of God is a distinctly personal and intimate matter. Unless it is personal and very intimate, we can have no real understanding of God. It is for this reason that the Rosicrucians of ancient times and of the present day refer to God as "the God of our Hearts." This means the God of our emotional and religious interpretation or understanding. We may all agree upon certain fundamentals in regard to God and His existence, His nature, qualities and attributes. But we find as we go through life that there are those who limit God, and confine Him to a certain locality or condition, and who attribute to Him certain qualities that are typically human, because of human prejudices, enmity, jealousy, hatred, revenge and so forth. There are those who would limit the attributes and powers of God to scientific principles, and who claim that God cannot perform miracles, inasmuch as they would be inconsistent with human discoveries and understandings of scientific principles. Then there are those whose conception of God is so broad, so indefinite, so vague that God can never become an intimate companion, a sympathetic father, a real friend. The mystic likes to believe and does believe that God is so real and so close that he can "walk with God and talk with God." And of course there are those who conceive of God as being merely a principle or a law, or a divine process of some kind.
God is known throughout the world by many names, and identified with many qualities and powers. Typical of this widespread diversity of understanding of the nature of God is the following poem by William Herbert Carruth. It has been repeated and quoted very frequently by mystic philosophers and even by atheists and agnostics. The mystic, however, finds in this poem an attempt to understand God and to identify God with all of God's processes and laws and qualities without in any way belittling the supreme, sublime majesty of the Father of all creatures.
A fire-mist and a planet,
A crystal and a cell,
A jelly-fish and a saurian,
And caves where the cave-men dwell;
Then a sense of law and beauty,
And a face turned from the clod,
Some call it Evolution,
And others call it God.
A haze on the far horizon,
The infinite, tender sky,
The ripe, rich tint of the cornfields
And the wild geese sailing high;
And all over upland and lowland
The charm of the golden-rod,
Some of us call it Autumn,
And others call it God.
Like tides on a crescent sea-beach,
When the moon is new and thin,
Into our hearts high yearnings
Come welling and surging in;
Come from the mystic ocean
Whose rim no foot has trod,
Some of us call it Longing,
And others call it God.
A picket frozen on duty,
A mother starved for her brood,
Socrates drinking the hemlock,
And Jesus on the rood;
And millions who, humble and nameless,
The straight, hard pathway plod,
Some call it Consecration,
And others call it God.
* * *
If you have ten hours a day to spend as you please, you may perhaps afford to waste an hour of it--perhaps; but if you have only half an hour each day at your own free disposal that half-hour becomes a sacred opportunity of life, the chance to change the quality of your existence, to multiply the capital on which you are doing business in the vocation of living.--Edward H. Griggs.

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